In-text Citations



Why do we cite sources?

  • To give credit or acknowledge others’ ideas
  • To prove that you have backed up your ideas with evidence from credible sources
  •  To avoid plagiarism


       Two steps to citing sources

  1. Works Cited: Located at the end of your paper or project
  2. In-Text Citations: Located in the text of your paper or project
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What is an in-text citation?

A shortened citation in the text of your paper or project that identifies the source of your borrowed information. Located in the text of your paper or project.


Example MLA Paper



How do I create in-text citations?

Put the first word of the citation in parentheses after every summary, paraphrase, and quote.

  • If the first word is an author, keep it as such.
    • Example: (Greenblatt)
  • If the first word is the title of an article/website, put it in quotes inside the parentheses.
    • Example: (“Understanding”)
  • If a page number exists, include it after the first word after a space.
    • Example: (Greenblatt 22)




What if?

  • I use multiple articles by the same author?
  • multiple authors are listed for one source?
  • several of my citations have no author listed and begin with the same word?

Talk to a librarian or your teacher!